New Sweetwater Designs insignia

Logo..insignia..just a stamp that says 'Sweetwater Designs' in image only

Although they say that it makes good business sense to stay with one image, I've been playing with several different drawings lately. Isn't creativity about play and changing things up?? How can we be expected to stick to only one image?! lol..

Of course, I love the green magpie, since it was hand drawn by my grand-daughter ..he stands proudly on all cards that accompany my work.

But online..well, that's a different story. I have the small insignia on this blog..I have a profile photo on my facebook as well as my twitter account,... and I have lots of time on my hands lately while I await the arrival of my work tools to Israel...ohmy. soon, I hope.

anyway..this is my new insignia for the blog, and we'll see what else.. least for the moment.

What do you think?

© Copyright 2011 Deborah Lambson


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