1000 Entrecard credits

Do you entrecard?

Then you may be interested in receiving 1000 free credits...

Simply comment..tell me what you're doing or what your day has been like or what you're planning your day to be like when you read this where ever you are in your part of the world and on April 1st I will randomly choose a name and bestow some of my accumulated credits on you...♥
(too lazy to fix that run on sentence ~ ha!)
I'll start ~
my day is sunny..yes! I have a hair appointment and I noticed we're out of milk this morning as I fixed my bowl of cereal ~so grocery shopping is on the agenda. The afternoon is clear for putting together jewelry and dinner is out tonight so I plan on having a lovely day ~what about u?


brokenteepee said…
Well I guess I am first:
I am anxiously awaiting my kids. So is my publicist. They should be coming very soon as I am having contractions. Hooray! Baby goats are sooooo cute.
Tim said…
I spent today with my beautiful bride and charming kids at Chuck E. Cheeses. We played many games, and had much fun. After this we went to a great park and played chase and hide and seek just to name a few.

Thats what I have been doing. Spending quality family time with the family. It is my FAVORITE thing to do!

Love and Prayers,

Anna said…
I am eating a delicious onion bagel with blackberry jam while I drop ECs and my laundry is washing.

I'll be making some Southwest chicken later to take over to some dear friends who lost their dad yesterday...
yenpart said…
I spent some time with my adopted grandmother. We made some party favors for her best friend's 50th wedding anniversary! We did well, that she left very happy, that made me happy too! Now, I'm off to bed ~ I've got to get up very early monday morning:)

take care,
Deb said…
Deborah - I can't comment on your latest post, it isn't showing the comment option, but i just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan of the 'playing for change' concept & I think the CD/DVD comes out in early April :o)

I meant to come back yesterday & comment on this post any though - managed to get waylaid.
Spent the entire weekend on planning a mini makeover for my bedroom, & becoming disgusted to discover that most of my favourite 'imported' fabric stores have closed down.
It now seems that, in this country at least, chinese imported 'polyester' is the new silk :o(
I'm sulking - lol!
On a Whimsey said…
I would imagine you will be inundated! Woke up to a wonderful sunny but fresh Monday and have a couple of loads of washing on the line already!

Hope you enjoy your day!
Hot Rocks said…
Hi Deb!
Well there is about 2 and a half feet of snow on the ground. I am going to do some Entrecard dropping, workout, maybe make some muffins,do the usual laundry, clean bathrooms etc. Hopefully get some time to go work on that necklace today!
Take care,
bem69 said…
Lets see, what happened today...

I registered for a new company and waited for 2 and a half hours while reading an e-book on my iPod, then I went back home and got the replacement monitor Dell owes me.

In the evening, I picked up my wife at her workplace and we paid a visit to her sister's to show our wedding album (we got married in January) and we had dinner at a nearby coffeeshop

Just a few minutes ago, I completed my 100 EC drops each for my two blogs. I rarely do 300 EC primarily because of my sucky internet connection.

And now, its time to sleep as I'm a typing zombie now.
I'm taking the day slow. Had a bad asthma attack yesterday so I'm resting and recuperating :)
Ruth said…
Things have been really sucky around here, my ex is being a real PITA...I'm going away on a trip in a couple weeks, really looking forward to it--I need the break!
sandritocat said…
I'm drinking coffee and dropping EC's. I plan on going to school to eat with my 7 year old. Then I need to do some Easter Basket shopping.
Not much else planned.

I'm going to go out and feed my horses and llamas and then come back in and fix myself some breakfast, then cruise more blogs until I've dropped all 300 cards for Entrecard today. I will also put a couple of dyepots on - it has been far too long since I have dyed anything up - I'm leaning towards a merino or lincoln fleece and a roving or two. Oh, and then I'm going to take some delicious T-Bone steaks out of the freezer and make steaks and baked potatoes for dinner tonight. Wish I was doing something more exciting but I sure do enjoy most of my not-so-busy days!
Sharkbytes (TM) said…
My day has been pretty normal. I've just been doing run-on non-stop computer stuff, but at least I'm motivated, as opposed to yesterday when I had to beat myself into working. See A Day of Tens http://myqualityday.blogspot.com/2009/03/day-of-tens.html
Sandy said…
Wow...where to begin. I've spent a big part of the day at the hospital. My moms been there about 35 days, not doing well at all. It's very tiring, emtionally and physically. I'm the main communicator with the rest of the family, and go to keep my dad company. I knit and crochet alot while there. I've made 5 sets of baby booties and hats most recently to donate to Project Linus, and Marine Corp Kids.

To clear my head, I decided to do some dropping. While doing that I'm switching things over from http://stitchinglifetogether.today.com/ to my newer blog which is here on blogger, travelingsuitcase. Trying to get the widget and extra stuff off one blog, ec transferred etc.

I plan a quiet night with a glass of white wine, left over mac n cheese I made last night, while hubby goes with friends to a hockey game. I'll head back to the hospital first to check on things there.

So...maybe I'll be lucky 14.

Well, earlier I was working on getting my garden ready to plant. Right now I taking advantage of a bit of quiet time to wander the blogosphere before I go back to cleaning and getting dinner ready. :)
Unknown said…
Came by you via EC, beautiful work!
Joyuna said…
Hi! I'm Joy. Today was my first day of two college classes... Then, I came back to my room and chatted with my boyfriend for a bit while organizing things in my Etsy shop. I've also been knitting busily, which is nice since I haven't had much opportunity to do that lately. Cheers!
PlowandPony said…
My days have gone something like this. today included and tomorrow too I am sure. Get boys off to school, then go down to the barn to check on the 25 baby goats for any health issues or problems. I will see if anyone else has kidded. We still have 4 goats left to kid. Help any that need help and this may involve checking udders and laying down in the straw to help one get the hang of nursing. Then I will milk the dairy goats and bring the milk up to strain and store. I will then go off to clean a house for money. Stop at Vet's on way home for a needed medicine. Come home and go straight to the barn and repeat morning routine. Come up to the house and start dinner. Pick up son from track practice. Come back home, eat, and chat with my sons, then back to the barn until I come in and fall into bed totally exhausted. No need to count goats or sheep in my head although I do anyway! (Did I make sure that the little kid was back with her mother and how many did I count before I left the barn?) I may or may not get in some entrecard drops depending on the problems I encounter in goat world. This has been and is my world until kidding season is over..thankfully it almost is!
This will sound silly...but I'm not real sure what happened to my day. lol This was a rare day when 2 of the 3 kids were gone, so I found myself piddling on the computer. I did a little laundry and right now I'm on the phone with my 9 year old daughter...she and my son are spending the day/night with Grandma & Grandpa. So I'm on the phone with 9 year old daughter right now - and she's planning April Fool's Day jokes on her grandparents. lol After hearing what they're planning, I'm really glad they are with the grandparents and not here! lol
Anonymous said…
Kewl Kontest!

Today is our 9th Wedding Anniversary, and we continue to fall in love and are still best friends...

Stop by BlockheadRadioLive.com 9am est for the Morning Brew HA HA, then check the calendar for other programs, with an emphasis on promoting artisans at NO charge.

Join a contest. Donate to our BHR Charity Sampler Box. See details.

Oh, and don't forget, we are a 24/7 independent music artist station.

~Lily DJ/Host Artisan Teams& Groups

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