You know you're a real glass worker when...


When you can do that without stabbing or burning yourself! I don't think I have the guts to try it, LOL.
Deborah Lambson said…
I know..did you see where he pulls the glass with his bare hand?
crazy man :)
Deborah, I'm still shaking my head over it. I can see that dipping your finger in the water would be enough to cool that end so you can grab it, but I just know I'd break it off in my hand or something stupid! said…
The fingers look so burnt. It's kinda scaaaary....
Deborah Lambson said…
They do look a little charred don't they?! but I think he has something on aids maybe? I'm pretty sure the water would cool the glass enough to stop the fingers from burning but I myself would be looking for a tool to use...maybe he's like me and keeps losing his tools in his glass.

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