Latest on the 'Bay..

My studio is most always in ordered disarray..(I say 'ordered' because I do know where everything is) There's not a lot of clean counter top showing in my work area, but rather an assortment of various glass rods and stubs along with tools and, since it is in the laundry room, sometimes even the odd sock.
Yesterday, for some silly reason, it became overwhelming.

I cleaned away all of the used glass rods that spill onto the work area and then pulled out only shades of amber.
I love dulcet honey hued amber ~ there's something sexy about the color.. I added a rod of ivory and a skinny rod of Beautiful translucent golden Reichenbach for high light and texture. The result is 'Tiger Bite'...a large set of 29 encased tiger striped glass beads.

Now to actually organize all of those half rods and stubs of glass I cleared away...


Anonymous said…
beautiful! and there must have been something in the air.. i cleaned up my organized clutter this weekend as well.. LOL ;)
Audrey said…
Those are truely beautiful!! Love the color!
Those are beautiful! I'm working on cleaning up my area too ...
Unknown said…
I love your work so I picked you to receive the lemonade award...if you're interested, of course.

Details here:
Unknown said…
so so pretty...

you have a great week

mona & the girls

ps love your work....
Swapna said…
Amazing.. I could see the beads are aptly named..
Erika said…
Your work is beautiful. I mentioned you on my blog.
You made those ambers sing! Tiger Bite is a lovely set!
Anonymous said…
How these are made is so fascinating to me. I love hearing little snippets about it!
vincent said…
your design is very beautiful,i
found a new website with some good lampwork glass beads,i hope it can help you ,here it's the link:
Deborah Lambson said…
wha??? I'd delete it but I do like a good chuckle..:D
thanks for thinking of me Vincent

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