Resolving and setting goals and all that jazz
I don't want to say it too loud, because the 'c' word ( c-o-m-m-i-t-m-e-n-t ) scares me, but I plan on keeping a ridiculously strict month by month list of what I want to accomplish this year. Discipline ~ another scary word. Lack my problem. Why am I speaking like Yoda? Hmm..maybe I should consider some English classes as well. Mind over Matter has some very interesting things to say about disciplining and bringing about changes in yourself. I especially liked tip #5... “Change what you are doing with your body to change the reaction of your mind. When your mental state is inappropriate, then scan your body. Notice what you are doing with your body. If there is tension, relax that area. If your posture is bad, straighten up. Also notice your breathing. Take regular deep breaths and you can literally change your state. As an exercise, try imitating people’s walking. Notice what it feels like to walk in another person’s shoes. This will convince you how important...