still a little nippy out..

This is the chilly view out behind our place. Doesn't that look bitter?!
It's still very cold here in my part of the country...-28 or so..frostbite will get your ears if you don't have them covered out in that kind of cold.
I wish I could stay in front of my torch today but I have things I have to do ~ so I guess I'm wearing my sexy long johns..

Hope you're all staying warm!


Brrr...definitely need the longjohns. But there is a stark beauty in the snow and bare trees.
Deborah Lambson said…
I agree Deronda..the thick frost on the branches in the sun is really beautiful.
Thanks for stopping in!
Duni said…
The pictures are beautiful. I can just imagine how freezing cold it must be...hope you're keeping warm!

take care


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