For the love of Rocks

I come from a long line of dedicated rock hounds. I know that because my mother 

told me this one day as we walked back from getting our mail in rural Port Alberni, 

BC. The 10 minute walk was sometimes much longer as we searched out special 

looking pebbles or of course, the'wishing stones' which on Vancouver Island were 

usually granite with a skinny stripe of quartz that encircled the entire stone.

My beautiful mother who we lost in July 2023. My older sister and I.

We've been lucky to bring back precious [to me] earth stones from many parts of 

the world. 

Lake Tiberias in Israel, Persian Gulf area, Dingle, Ireland, Isle of Sky area, 

Edinburgh, and Inverness areas in Scotland, a walk back to our hotel in Strasbourg, 

France. The Levent Valley near Malatya, Turkey sometimes referred to as the Grand 

Canyons of the Anatolia. The stone in my palm almost always brings back the day. 

My regret is that I didn't label the stones in some way. Regardless, all have been 

tumbled together in boxes, a jumble of earths' wonderful energy. 

I keep them in bowls scattered around the house. One on our sofa table. Another 

in the entry. 

Also a small dish in the studio just to remind me of where I've been. 


Of course, I also have boxes of undisplayed stones. I have a plan to  make some sort 

of design somewhere in the flower beds one of these days. 

And finally, no pebble here! 

My husband and I were beach foraging last night just as the sun was going down 

and the tide was retreating. Magical moments leave magic behind. We marveled 

at  the eons that had to pass to create this magnificent piece of petrified wood.  

W h a t   a   t r e a t!

Are you a fellow Rock Hound?

•• šŸ¦‍⬛••


Casinia said…
Your writing style captivates me every time, and I'm thankful for the engaging content.
Deborah Lambson said…
It's lovely to know my thoughts are not just flying off into the wild blue yonder. Although, Im sure most of them do.šŸ˜€Thanks so much for letting me know!

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