Shop handmade this Season!

Original Jewelry for Original women..

Pour yourself a cup of tea or a mug of hot chocolate and snuggle up to your laptops peeps. This is a fun 2 day event dreamed up by Shelly of MiShel Designs to help you keep your resolve to Shop HaNdmade this season.

Or just window shop if that's what strikes your fancy, but definitely stroll on by and take a look.

..a superb list of quality artisans all decked out for the holidays..
click the link below to go to the

Blog Hop!! December 2011

and for those of you who have found yourselves here via the Hop from someones participating blog Please use the code BlogHopping2011 to take 25% off anything in my Etsy shop featuring handmade glass beads for your jewelry designs!

Seasons Greetings and Much Happiness to all of you


Shel said…
Thanks so much for participating in the Holiday Shop Hop! I think little Canandian snowman "William" is my favorite little one in your shop!!!
Deborah Lambson said…
:-) thanks Shelly.I've enjoyed visiting all the different sites on this Hop! Thanks for organizing the event. Great idea and one that would grow every time it happens...we'll have to do it again.
Wendy said…
Thanks for visiting my blog Debora! Love your beads and jewelry as always! :)

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