If I find in myself a desire
which no experience in this world can satisfy,
the most probable explanation is that
I was made for another world.
~ C.S. Lewis

Beautiful Haifa,Israel


Angela Fehr said…
LOVE that quote, Deborah! The kids and I have been listening to Lewis's Narnia series as an audio theatre drama whenever we're in the van and I love the way he turns a phrase.
Melanie-Pearl said…
so true...that man was gifted with words the way you are with fire/glass.

btw, that new post of yours is great (can't comment directly on it).you still make THE most interesting/organic my fave beads i've ever seen.
Melanie-Pearl said…
ps)That Nin quote is amazing, too. I've never read anything by her---after cking her website I can see I need more! Thanks for sharing.
Deborah Lambson said…
Thanks you two. I've been lagging creatively lately, nice to hear the kind words. <3
and yes Melanie, Anais Nin is very interesting mind~

Best to you both!

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