What the locals do on Thursday

I got a phone call this morning from the wife of one of my husbands work mates..

"Do you want to see what a Bedouin flea market is like?' she asked....

oh yes ma'am I do.

The Bedouins set up their tents and sell their wares every Thursday on the outskirts of Beer Sheva.

I was surprised first at the relative civility..I assumed there would be more bedlam.

I was wrong. With the exception of a few exuberant young men yelling something as they stood beside their wares..[we could only imagine what they were saying...maybe the best price of a highlighted item or 'check this out' or ..'get your rice bowls here!' who knows...my knowledge of the Hebrew language has not extended beyond a few niceties, like thank you [todah] and peace be unto you [shalom]..oh, and yamina [go right] and shmola [go left]. I haven't found a good reason to use those last two yet.]..most sellers were not pushing their merchandise aggressively at all.
I was also surprised that these are new items they are selling..lol. I guess I assumed it would be like a giant yard sale of some sort...anyway. No, these are brand new, tagged and lovely items..at knock out prices.

I also had expected to see more haggling. Maybe there isn't because the prices are so reasonable ..I never felt anything I picked up was out of line, in fact I was shocked at some of the prices...or it could be I just missed seeing the haggling. My head was on a 360 spin but I'm sure I never saw everything.

There is anything you can imagine to be bought here in this Israeli open market..from nail polish and toilet bowl plungers to drapes and fabric by the bolt..dishes and pots, herbs and propane outdoor grills that looked very 'bedoin-ish'

sun-glasses and shoes,

lots of clotheing items..

toys and puzzles
to interest little boys

My find of the day??
A designer bathing suit. A tankini. Israeli designer. I paid 80 shekels ~roughly 22-23.00 CAD/US.
How sweet is that..:-)

So thank you Miss Julia.

..Same time next week?


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