on Age and Mothers

Mom and her great grand-daughter, MacKenzie 3.2010

My mother celebrates her 81st! birthday today!

I trust she's okay with me telling her age. :-)

Its funny isn't it? There is a time in a woman's life when she doesn't want her age broadcast..maybe in your mid thirties through to the late 40's?
But then something happens, and like the 13 year old proudly walking into puberty, women become verbal about the number once again. ..and Mom certainly should be.

She's always~ as long as I've been aware~ taken care of her skin..I don't ever remember my mom laying out in the sun. On the beach or working in the garden she wore a hat... She would never go to bed without cleaning her skin and moisturizing it..it's a nightly and daily ritual for her. Her skin shows the care she's given it over the years.

She still walks almost daily,weather permitting. She watches her weight. She's always been conscious of what she eats and chooses to like horrid things ~ like turnips and oatmeal. [shudder]
Although she's baffled by the growing technologies around her, she is stoic and does her best to keep up.
She's well read regarding mind and health and has always been an advocate for preventative medicine.
She has an imaginative artistic mind and has always some beautiful and wonderful creation to give away or something in the process of being constructed. She loves to read and also..big secret here, sorry Mom..likes to write poems. She stays active in church responsibilities and remains the go to person for the child looking for a band-aid, a safety pin, popcorn, a snuggle or a movie partner.

It's been these wonderful characteristics that have kept my Mom in terrific health over these years~

She's an amazing example for her 6 children, her 23 grand children and her 3 great grand children..

great genes need smart minds, to be sure.

I love you, Mom

Thank you for the years you gave me and for being an unwavering example of love to me

Enjoy your day!


Unknown said…

Love your note to your mom. She has the same birthday as me: April 14.

Joseph Skinkis
Deborah Lambson said…
Hi Joe..well that's cool~ hope you celebrated well with loved ones too.
Happy Belated! and thanks for stopping by..


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