California artists..

Many of you may know that we have been travelling around the country for the past 6 months..I keep saying I will journal and scrapbook, but so far the journal is not as fat as it should be and the scrapbook has not been started.. I have however, been documenting much of what we've seen with small video clips. so small pat on my back for that. (those can be seen on facebook, for those interested)
But I do better in year 11.
We're packing and preparing this week to drive from Lompoc, California to my home town Fort St John in northern BC, Canada. It's a 34 hour drive so I'm fairly sure there will be some time to write in my journal then... I am looking forward to seeing everyone, even if its just for a couple of days.
I will be bringing back to California with me my beloved torch and glass. Yes! So I can begin again to melt glass.

So many talented artists here in California ..sharing here just a couple from the Santa Barbara and area.

SunFire Gallery We met the artist, Lawrence Newsum in a small shop of collectibles on State st in Santa Barbara. Nice guy..talented artist. Love the blown lampshades and light fixtures, mmhmm... this one would look fabuloso in our some day bedroom.

Julie Dunn..oh my. As soon as I am standing in one spot long enough I will get the materials needed to give this art a try. Its called Tempera Batik painting.. a procedure that involves outlined chalk drawing, block painting and a wash of india ink.

This womans work is stunning. We found her through a small gallery in San Luis Obispo~

and lastly ..for the moment anyway..Sarah John Afana, an artistic soul who lives in central California. It was the blown ornaments in a gallery that turned my head ~

but she is proficient in painting, photography and knitting as well. Of her work she says this:

"My images are expressive and colorful. I use top quality artists materials in all my creations. Acid-free papers or fine stretched canvases are always used as platforms for my paintings and drawings." ~Sarah John Afana

and if it may be a while before you get to troll the galleries in California, Miss Sarah has a shop on Etsy. so go give her work a gander. It's soulful and colorful and ..well really, with a name like Sarah John Afana..she must do art, don't you think?

!A most merry Christmas to you all..enjoy your holidays..and stay safe!


You have certainly stumbled across some wonderful work in your travels. Thank you so much for your generous mention, I couldn't be happier you were able to see my ornaments in person.
And yes, I have a few friends who have said my name sounded perfect for an artist :)
Deborah Lambson said…
lol..I'll bet you have has a musical lilt to it. :-)
Thanks for stopping by ~good luck in all of your artistic ventures!

Chrisd said…
What beautiful work you share with us. Thanks so very much for inspiration.
♥ Braja said…
I like it...nice to meet Ms Sweetwater :)

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