California artists..

Many of you may know that we have been travelling around the country for the past 6 months..I keep saying I will journal and scrapbook, but so far the journal is not as fat as it should be and the scrapbook has not been started.. I have however, been documenting much of what we've seen with small video clips. so small pat on my back for that. (those can be seen on facebook , for those interested) But I do better in year 11. We're packing and preparing this week to drive from Lompoc, California to my home town Fort St John in northern BC, Canada. It's a 34 hour drive so I'm fairly sure there will be some time to write in my journal then... I am looking forward to seeing everyone, even if its just for a couple of days. I will be bringing back to California with me my beloved torch and glass. Yes! So I can begin again to melt glass. So many talented artists here in California ..sharing here just a couple from the Santa Barbara and area. SunFire Gallery ...