Using music to spark creativity♫

Music is the finest way I know to change mood on a dime. Music will recall a memory for you so completely sometimes it's as though you are there once again. Music stirs the soul. ..Music will spark creative thoughts~

"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way"
Here is a challenge for any of you who are reading this and looking for ways to raise your creativity level today.
Put something completely different on your sound system and pump it up a that is foreign and unique to you. Play it while you think and create and I can promise you that it will show in your work today.
You will use color in a different way, you will view your materials differently and you will add elements in ways you never thought of before. You will find a new rhythm.

It truly is the quickest way out of the box. It is the most joyful way to color outside the lines.

"What is best about music is not to be found in the notes." ~so says Gustav Mahler

I'll leave you with a few links, but what is new and exciting for one is not to another, so please feel free to add your own links to music suggestions so that we can all be listening to some new sounds today~

! enjoy your day!


Melanie-Pearl said…
Beautiful ideas! I'll let you know how it goes next time I try something different. I ALWAYS listen to music when I paint. Read once that it's the quickest way to get back into a painting after having to leave it for awhile---So certain paintings of mine are associated with Chopin's nocturnes others Radiohead's OK Computer, etc. It always works!
Deborah Lambson said…
thanks for the suggestions Melanie..I'll take a listen!
I actually don't flow creatively without music....Adele, Pink, Jack Johnson, Joe Purdy & Amos Lee make up my mix on Pandora Radio ~ If I'm in the studio, it's on! Looking forward to checking out your links!
Deborah Lambson said…
I love collecting new music..I've not heard of Joe Purdy or Amos Lee.
I'll definitely check them out, thanks Melinda!

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