!Contest results!

Thank you all for your kind words and for your participation on my blog...you all are some very fine peeps out there. :)

The names were submitted to random.org and here are the results...Congrats Miss Melanie-pearl. :) email me your address at imake(at)handmadeglassbeads(dot)ca and I will have your bead on its way to your house as soon as I hear from you.

There were 13 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. melanie
  2. creativequeen
  3. tale
  4. teresa
  5. duni
  6. hotrocks
  7. swapna
  8. willoaks
  9. pricilla
  10. marsha
  11. fishhawk
  12. zizba
  13. marianne


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