Canadian snowboys

Too small to be a full grown snowman, these little guys are just the right size to dangle on your cell phone, your car mirror or simply add to a plethora of other charms and wear as a pendant. Each measure roughly 4.5-5 cm (including the brass or sterling wire) and are dressed in warm winter attire.. matching toque and scarf.

These boys tend to sell fairly fast in real life so I don't take photos of all.

While yours may not be the one photographed here please be assured that the boy that is sent to your home will be just as sweet..:)


Anonymous said…
so adorable! love love love the pale blue one.. really winter wonderland. is that price per lot? or indiv. piece?
Deborah Lambson said…
per boy Tracie..:) & thanks!
Hot Rocks said…
Absolutely adorable!!!
Hot Rocks said…
Hi Deb,
I would love to buy one of these little guys for my daughter. She is in Australia right now, and won't be home for xmas. She loves the snow and is a super snowboarder, I would love to get one for her. Can you make one with a lime green hat and scarf?
Duni said…
Oh my goodness! Those are the cutest little snowmen :)
Duni said…
I just read your comment :)

Have you read Creative Flowdreaming from Summer Mcstravick?
Some useful insights there...

have a wonderful week,

Victoria said…
Those are too cute!
the snow boys are totally mag, very cute!
Hot Rocks said…
just wondering how my little sno boy is coming along?
Deborah Lambson said…
he's still in rod form wondering himself...
I'm behind as usual Susan~ sent you a message on your blog!
Hot Rocks said…
Hi Deb,
Thank you so much! I received my Canadian Snowboy today and he is PERFECT!! I know my daughter over in Australia will just love him, and I am sure he will remind her of home!
Anonymous said…
Too beautiful and just a my choice.

silver jewelry exporters

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