Photos for the Northerner

I'm writing a small article for our local newspaper so Miss Birdie helped me with the photos..I'm not sure which I'm using but the top one is just for fun...what's the general opinion between the bottom 2? the camera can't seem to photograph both skin and glass at the same time ~ the bracelets look like lead..but que sera. I like them anyway..but which one?


yenpart said…
the first of the 2 is my pick! she looks like a pro - modeling for you! and the pieces on this pic is clearer. that's just my opinion, though. have a great day
LiseF said…
Love the first one, she have beautiful eyes.
Well, I love the second one, the one where she is looking right into the camera. Can you tweak the bead colors some way so that they are more lively? Letting the pretty glass shine is important, but the model looking into the camera really makes a personal connection.
Unknown said…
I love the top picture...looks like a healthy portion of beads...of the bottom two pics I prefer the one where she is looking at the camera...she's beautiful! Good luck with the article!
Anonymous said…
i agree.. the personal connection works! but all of them are effective, so go with your 'gut' instinct!
Lynne said…
I like the first one with her head turned, makes her look like she's deep in thought!
Coloraddiction said…
What a doll!! I love that first pic. :)
Think the 2nd one really makes a statement!! Adorable girl!
Deborah Lambson said…
Thanks guys! I appreciate the input. ♥ I decided on the bottom one so looking forward to seeing it all in print :D..
Sinclair said…
I like the last of all the photos. The one with her looking right into the lens is more powerful. said…
I like the second one! They go well with her eyes!

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