High time for a Makeover!

Thanks everyone for playing along and signing up for the newsletter...I promise you won't be inundated with letters..ha. I'll be doing good to get one a month out but I'll make sure they're news worthy.

Here's the list from random.org and Congratulations to Miss Benita..send me your snail mail and I'll have this bead on its way to your house~

There were 9 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Benita
  2. Nicole
  3. Leah
  4. Shelley
  5. Shelby
  6. Tracie
  7. Theresa
  8. Coleen
  9. Laurie

Timestamp: 2009-05-25 13:46:05 UTC

on a side note..as an artist I of course enjoy layouts and graphics and am quickly bored with the look of my own site or blog. I've left my site alone for some time but this blog was due for a shake up don't you think? I found the Cutest blog on the Block site yesterday and couldn't resist.


Theresa said…
Congrats to the winner. The blog looks lovely, I use Cutest Blog on the Block and they have some great designs.
I do like your makeover! Very pretty!
Yeppers ~ Blog looks fabulous! P.S. Have clicked to "follow" your blog and also added you to me Blog List on the Sidebar! I seriously LOVE your jewelry!!
MO said…
Love your new blog look! Very nice :)
Deborah Lambson said…
thanks guys..
I think your site was the catalyst for me Theresa :) pretty sure I used the link from your site to see what cbotb was all about.

thanks ollie ♥
Swapna said…
Great new look.. could u recommend an annealing kiln ? I would like to begin lampworking
Deborah Lambson said…
Oh, you're going to have such fun swapna :) I use a chili pepper which is probably one of the simplest and lowest cost ones. It's constructed from a metal tool box! yes it is.. :)
People have been known to construct these themselves and there are 'how to's' from these brave souls online.
I'm not that brave. I purchased mine from Robin in Edmonton at a shop called ART glass Studio
I see she's not carrying the chili pepper right now but I think I like both of those she's got there even better, since they will fuse as well.
The chili pepper will not..
Think about what you want it for..are you going to stick with making beads only? or do you think it's likely that you will branch out into fusing small pieces or working with silver clay? Make sure your kiln will fill all of your needs since it is a relatively costly addition to your studio.

Best of luck to you and let me know how it all goes!
Anonymous said…
congrats to the winner!

love the new look.. i see you joined us in the freshening up! i know what ya mean about getting bored with one look for too long. just like my home, i like to change it up!
Unknown said…
love it ...
gosh Deb you are so cute..
need to figure the 3 column out 2 .. need to slow down for a min :)
try'n to get some yard work done this weekend..
Duni said…
Your new blog template looks great! Very soft colours - I love it!
Hot Rocks said…
Love your new look! Very pretty!Did you design it yourself?
Deborah Lambson said…
Hey Susan..I wish I was that talented..go here:


she's taking over the world one blog at a time I think~ hehee
Deborah Lambson said…
Thank you ladies ♥ ..Mona, you've got to take your lap top out to the garden and multi-task.
It's the only way. :D

When you do get around to finding the time, there's some sweet templates here:


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