and its back to work as usual..

I hope each one of you had a wondrous Easter holiday~ we certainly did. We celebrated Sunday with family and food (what else?) Turkey dinner with everyone~almost everyone~ together at my sisters house. I kinda like my it okay to say that?
Now the eggs and personal favorite.. are eaten, the boy is eager for school (although he'd never admit that) and the laundry is in piles around my house..both clean that didn't make it to the drawers and now dirty..damn maid!
I've got orders to work on.

SO my day is pretty much planned out..what are you all doing?


Beth said…
I hear ya! We had a quiet Easter weekend and spent it putting in the veggie garden. After tracking in dirt for 2 days straight, I spent all day yesterday cleaning from top to bottom. Hard core cleaning is not best after 2 days of gardening!

But it's done. Now on to laundry...


I'm loving this
Deborah Lambson said…
Thanks Beth!..crazy laundry..I think we all wear far too many clothes~
Erika said…
Seems like all I do with two kids and a hubby is the LAUNDRY. Especially now that I am potty training.


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