Giveway Designed for you!

All of your luscious color suggestions have put me in a creative mood, so to thank you for this renewed inspiration I'm going to extend this giveaway to include a first and second draw... ~woo-hoo!

Keep them coming in! On the last day of the month ~Saturday? I will pull the first name and that person will receive 3 handmade glass beads especially made for them in the color combination that they chose... the second name drawn will receive the pendant bead.

You may enter as often as you like with as many color combinations you can dream up (if you have more than one entry I'll contact you for your preferred color combo choice.)


Duni said…
may I participate too? hope so...

I love blue/green colour combinations, especially for pendants. I love your swirly beads and would love to own one ☺

have a good week

Deborah Lambson said…
Absolutely Duni! this is open to all bead lovers :D
Thank you for the sweet words..♥
Youniquely Chic said…
light purple and Dark Blue would be the colors I am into today, my absolute fav colors all together are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and purple... but that is a lot of colors!

Beautiful Stuff!
Unknown said…
pick me...pick me...I also like hues of blues or green, of course I like the pendant too.

nice work!!

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