Nothing to do

It's hot today. Almost, but not quite, unbearably so. The hair at the back of my neck is damp and beyond help... curly hair can be so contemptuous in the heat. I can't seem to find anything comfortable to wear. Naked would be good. Not so great for the neighbors maybe, but lovely for me. It threatened to storm last night but nothing happened. Lot's of noise and lights but no rain. Even with my funny grand kids doing what could only be called a ritualistic rain dance in the driveway. They were excited by the lightning and thunder.
I should continue a set of flameworked beads I started yesterday, but that would be craziness. I promised Ger this morning that I'd get some downtown chores done, but that requires energy..and clothes that match. There's also a hopeful laundry basket spilling over in front of my washer.
Do you remember when you were eight telling your Mom on a long summer day that there was NOTHING to do ~and actually being upset by the fact?
I think I'm going to lay in front of my fan, find something mindless to watch on tv and pretend I have nothing to do.
Bonbon anyone? Enjoy your day!


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