Aslan must be somewhere nearby..

We wait an interminably long time for Spring to arrive here in northern Canada and the older I get it seems the longer the wait becomes. Then, as if by some switch of a button it becomes the scene from the children s novel, 'The Chronicles of Narnia' where the Lion returns to the land of frozen ice and life and color are magically injected into every living thing.
Just like that, it turns green overnight here. That really lovely brilliant new green with more yellow than blue in it that only lasts for a short week, if that.
My garden is sprouting once again..mostly weeds unfortunately. But I see the peony is back and I can't wait to see how many blooms will be on it this year. I planted a small vine of some sort when we first moved into this house 11 years ago, I wish I could remember what it was because it grew like a well tended weed. Some sort of hop. I think there are several varieties.. the little wrens love the seed pods. Each year it rises like a Phoenix out of the frozen dead ground and begins its trek across the slats of my deck rails and wondrously outdoes itself each growing season. How does it do that?! ~ I'm easily amazed these days.

Comments said…
Gardens are so wonderful! I went away on my trip, and when I got back a whole bunch of seedlings had popped up! I have a LOT of pumpkin seeds that grew... not sure whether I'll have the room to grow them all though...

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