Cabs...there's never one around when you need one!

Cabochons...kab-uh-shon..I just like saying the word. They're designed without a hole and with a flat back so design possiblities can be very creative. Pendants, yes..wired or bezel set. Interesting on fabric as well. Think of a unique button closure for a funky bag. They'd make great earrings or cufflinks as well. Men need to wear those more, don't you think?

What else would you do with these...


I would love to exchange links with you, your work is wonderful! I've just put your link on my page, actually.

Deborah Lambson said…
Thanks Cindy..awesome. Sorry for using this venue, I just didn't see another contact.
thanks again ♥
Kirsten said…
These are beautiful cabochons.

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