Rolling into the New Year..

So the turkey and butter tarts are all eaten...
*whew* ..have I got work to do now! Photobucket
My boys were happy with what was under the tree for them, that's really what does it for me. They're wasn't a flush year for us so it was a little sparse under that tree this year, but they said there wasn't anything else they wanted...♥
We trekked to my daughters house for the big day and I got to sit on my laurels while she slaved in the kitchen, so I thoroughly enjoyed my day as I hope you all did.
I was gifted with some beautiful silver glass that I've been playing with over the past few days. What glorious glass. It reminds me of my Moms Blue Mountain Pottery collection..all sorts of iridescent blues and greens with some little hits of purples and bronze just to make you say, 'm-m-m-m'. I've got this focal and a few others up today with more to come..take a

I'm always excited for the New Year to's the whiff of something new and exciting! 2008 here we come..!!


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