
Showing posts from December, 2007

..and in with the New!

Why is it always so thrilling to see the old year end and new begin? isn't it all pretty much more of the same anyway? and yet there's an air of anticipation at the start of a brand new year. And an urge to purge. Bodies..closets. I've ordered a body cleanse from some holistic chinese web site..ah well, it can't hurt, right? funny how that sentence just sort of hangs there. 2008 is the Year of the Rat according to the Chinese Zodiac. In Japan, each year assumes one of the 12 animal symbols of the Chinese Zodiac, and 2008 is the Year of the Rat, the first of the cycle. According to various sayings and lessons regarding stock transactions, the Year of the Rat is considered the year of prosperity, when stock prices mark a dramatic surge. This is good news for the year. Due to its strong propagating power, the rat is considered a symbol of "prosperity of one's posterity" and "increasing one's assets." This is why stock prices are believed to ris...

Rolling into the New Year..

So the turkey and butter tarts are all eaten... *whew* ..have I got work to do now! My boys were happy with what was under the tree for them, that's really what does it for me. They're wasn't a flush year for us so it was a little sparse under that tree this year, but they said there wasn't anything else they wanted...♥ We trekked to my daughters house for the big day and I got to sit on my laurels while she slaved in the kitchen, so I thoroughly enjoyed my day as I hope you all did. I was gifted with some beautiful silver glass that I've been playing with over the past few days. What glorious glass. It reminds me of my Moms Blue Mountain Pottery collection..all sorts of iridescent blues and greens with some little hits of purples and bronze just to make you say, 'm-m-m-m'. I've got this focal and a few others up today with more to come..take a peek . I'm always excited for the New Year to's the whiff of something new ...

Snowboys and such..

Cindi H, if you're still poking your head in here now and then..send me your snail mail addy and I will send you the latest in the snowboy series. I enjoy creating these little guys every Christmas season..each seems to develop their own personality even as I'm winding the toque on. Then right around this time of the year I start to get a little tired of the white glass. :) and stop making them until the next year rolls around. Thanks for entering the draw and as soon as I hear from you Cindi, he's on his way to your house! Seasons Greetings everyone!..I've finished my shopping..well, almost. Let's face it, we're never really finished shopping until the 24th. But the main presents are ready to wrap. I'm going to start baking next week..starting with Crybaby cookies . M-m-m-m..the Best cookies, and we only eat them at Christmas time. Why is that? I'm refusing to gain any weight this season and am staunchly relying on the power of positive thinking. ...thi...

Back to work..

I'm finally getting some studio time in...yes! I just played with the glass for the most part...pulled a few different canes, but I did do a couple of focals using those canes and have 2 of them up on the Bay right now . I've got at least one more to list today..maybe 2. And, I get to melt glass again today! How lucky can a girl get?

Life rolls on

Just a wee update to let you all know that I'm alive and well and back at the torch very very soon. Our family has had an interesting ride on Life's roller coaster for the past couple of weeks as my husband spent some time in the ICU fighting COPD, a lung disease brought on by a life time of smoking. We're all still learning about it. We will be coping with some new ways of living but he is much better and we will have him back home with us on Monday and yes, Christmas will be a good one. Thank you to each of you who have expressed concern..I appreciate each of you ♥ I promise you, I am missing the glass too. There will be some work back up on the Bay very shortly.