Our Mourning Doves

Or, are we 'theirs'..I think that's more probably the case. Two mourning doves have chosen our strawberry pot on the deck to nest. I interrupted the two mid house construction about 10 days ago now.
They were busy with twigs and grass in my strawberry pot when I went out to hang laundry. [no need for dryers here in the desert..clothes are dry sometimes within an hour]
They seemed only slightly perturbed and waited on the roof until I finished and went back inside to resume the nest building.
First just one egg in the nest then a day later, 2. They're so sweetly diligent in their parental responsibilities. The male takes the day shift and the female the night and unless they are frightened away they never leave that nest. We've curtailed grilling for a bit and I'm reluctant to even water my plants..not, of course the plant they're nesting in. No strawberry crop this year. I did have to give that plant behind them a small drink yesterday thoug...