Be'er Sheva from our hotel window..that pinkish hue that you see on the horizon is the color of the ever present desert sand in the air. Surprisingly you do not feel this on your skin or in your eyes. It is good-bye to Israel for a period of time. I have thoroughly enjoyed every experience is an interesting little country and the people are as unique as Israel. The flight from Tel Aviv to Atlanta in the US is 13 hours in the air...that is at least 10 hours of misery I have to say...there is just not enough room for your limbs and yes, all that you've heard about airline food is the truth. It is not to be consumed~ Somewhere over the Atlantic I managed to pretzel my body into a modicum of comfort..shift my foot slightly, tilt my neck at just the right angle...and blissfully, lost consciousness for a *sigh* much too brief period of time. We took a connecting flight from Atlanta to Boston and 15 hours later we are here. Make that 15 hours of fly time ...add to that th...